Hello, I'm Eric Sexton. I'm a
Software Engineer

I craft seamless web experiences from start to finish

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About Me

Portrait Image of Eric Sexton

I am a personable Software Engineer with a Computer Science degree from Purdue Fort Wayne. Beyond my role as a Software Engineer at Ferguson Advertising, I'm actively involved in the community as a Global Game Jam Organizer and Mentor. Passionate about game development and collaboration, I bring a proactive and adaptable nature to projects. Eager to contribute character and skills to innovative teams.



Typescript enables me to maintain a high development velocity while delivering high-quality solutions. With 4 years of TypeScript experience, I write clean, type-safe code for scale and reliability.


Nuxt.js empowers me to develop high-performance, SEO-friendly Full-Stack Reactive applications seamlessly. With 3 years of expertise in Vue.js and Nuxt.js, I have honed my skills in crafting exceptional applications that deliver a superior user experience.


Highly skilled in PostgreSQL, I excel at designing and managing scalable databases, optimizing performance, and ensuring data integrity.


With 4 years of experience in Node.js development, I specialize in quickly delivering performant and reliable server-side applications. Leveraging the power of frameworks like Express.js, I excel at creating high-performance APIs and web applications.


With 2 years of experience in Docker, I leverage its power to enhance my development flow and boost efficiency. By containerizing applications, I streamline deployment and ensure consistency, enabling seamless development across multiple environments.

And More...

Over the years I have had the chance to dabble with a lot of different technologies, including but not limited to: Angular, C#, Next.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, and more.


My Tax Calendar

Railway LogoPostgreSQL LogoPrisma LogoNodeJS LogoVite LogoReact LogoCapicator Logo

Many small businesses struggle to manage tax deadlines and requirements, often resorting to hiring Tax Agencies for assistance. However, these agencies were overwhelmed by the manual effort required to track client deadlines and answer basic inquiries. To streamline this process, we are developing a comprehensive application that serves as an intermediary between Tax Agencies and their clients.

This platform enables clients to view upcoming deadlines and necessary tax requirements, enhancing their confidence and understanding of their tax positions and Agencies to get high-level views of what needs to be done for their clients. As a result, the need for frequent meetings is reduced, while the value of necessary interactions is increased.

RV Management Platform

Docker LogoTypescript LogoPrisma LogoPostgreSQL LogoNextJS LogoRailway LogoNodeJS Logo

During our collaboration with clients, we identified a common challenge: they were unable to leverage their existing manufacturing data effectively to boost dealership capabilities and generate sales leads. To address this, we developed a SaaS product that imports and organizes their data, enabling the deployment of various applications and services. This solution is designed to be flexible, meeting specific tenant data requirements. It powers a range of applications, including Vehicle Builders (for lead generation), Brochure Generators, Sales Team Portals, and Customer Portals, among others.

The Saikidou Incident

C# LogoUnity Logo

The Saikidou Incident is a narrative-driven puzzle game that draws inspiration from renowned titles like Half Life and Outer Wilds.

As part of a team consisting of five individuals, we developed this game for Brackey's Game Jam 2023.1. Notably, our team was larger than the typical size for this game jam, which provided me with the opportunity to step into the roles of project manager and developer. This experience allowed me to refine my communication and management skills. I'm very proud of what our team was able to put together. Our entry secured an impressive 11th place out of 738 submissions overall and placed 8th in the game design category.

American Coach Platinum Experience

Typescript LogoCapicator LogoFirebase LogoAngular LogoIonic Logo

A mobile app for American Coach RV owners to find guides, manuals, service centers, and more.

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